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Хто творець Homescapes?
Playrix Igor Bukhman and his brother Dmitry own online gaming upstart Playrix. Company є кращим знавцем для безкоштовних мобільних app-games, як Homescapes and Fishdom. Born and raised в northern Russia, brothers started selling games online while Dmitry still в high school.
Переобладнання або повернення до гри може отримати solve most з проблем, які ви можете написати 🙂 Для того, щоб restart a game, simply force quit the application and launch it again.
Game Title Homescapes є частиною Playrix's Scapes series, на іншій один з Gardenscapes. Both names є quite straightforward and reference gameplay. У Homescapes, goal is to renovate home and in Gardenscapes, players decorate gardens.