Що таке Backlog Grooming?

Backlog grooming, also referred to як backlog refinement or story time, is a recorreng event for agile product development teams. Головне призначення backlog grooming session is to enure the next few sprints worth of user stories in product backlog are prepared for sprint planning.

Backlog grooming is regular session where backlog items are discussed, reviewed, and prioritized by products managers, product owners, and the rest of the team. Перший результат backlog grooming is to keep backlog up-to-date and ensure that backlog items are prepared for upcoming sprints.

Definition. Backlog refinement (formerly known as backlog grooming) is when the product owner and some, or all, of the rest of the team review items on the backlog to use the backlog contains the appropriate items, that they are prioritized, and that i Вгорі backlog є ready for delivery.

Product Backlog Grooming or Refinement is defined in Scrum Guide as, “the act of adding detail, estimates, and order to items in the Product Backlog. Це являє собою ongoing process в яких PO і Development Team collaborate on details of Product Backlog items.”
